You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2022.

JOEL GOLDSMITH, a treasure to be cherished by all students of truth, left a mystical message to benefit the world. A few of his better known spiritual students include: Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Gerald G. Jampolsky M.D and Marianne Williamson.

april 2022

To quote MARCELA BENSON, author of Love Peace and Vegetables, “health and peace are your birthrights”.

Drawing on her 25 years of research into brain development as well as decades of meditation practice, psychotherapist MARIANNE BENTZEN shows how neuroaffective meditation–the holistic integration of meditation, neuroscience, and psychology–can be used for personal growth and conscious maturation.Her Inner Traditions published book is Neuroaffective Meditation.

NeuroAffective Personality Development

Tributaries Radio

Streaming weekly interviews with pioneering individuals, sharing healthful common sense possibilities for our person, our communities and our world.
With host Robin Claire.
