You are currently browsing the monthly archive for February 2017.

DR. ROSS STEWART works with health not for disease. He has dedicated his life and has built his career around helping people overcome the suffering that Parkinson’s disease (PD), Autism Spectrum, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression/Mood disorders,  and other physical and mental health disorders bring.

Truth be told entering the world of mood enhancing pharmaceuticals is a scarey trip. So when you receive a package in the mail sent from Lewis Carrol, why not try a trip of another kind? Desparate to shift out of an extremely serious mood disorder that had lasted for years, author AYELET WALDMAN decided to try microdosing….

A Really Good Day is her story –

As an M.D., DR. PAUL  THOMAS lives up to his pediatric office’s mission ” Our pediatric clinic offers safe passage in a changing world”.

His book, The Vaccine Friendly Plan, helps parents navigate an increasingly toxic world. Whether it is harmful false information or actual chemical toxins Dr. Paul offers well-informed common sense to help parents make those daily decisions that are crucial to raising a healthy child in today’s world.

DENNIS MCKENNA and his brother Terence McKenna have been exploring the inner reaches of the cosmos for many years. Seeking out a mutual collaboration with the plant medicines their adventures are recounted in Dennis’s book, The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss. Terence has passed and Dennis continues his work as both scientist and field explorer. He will be the key note speaker at Psychedlic Shine, an event for the psychedelic community to be held at the Boulder Theater February 12th, 2017.

Tributaries Radio

Streaming weekly interviews with pioneering individuals, sharing healthful common sense possibilities for our person, our communities and our world.
With host Robin Claire.
