You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2021.

Join DR. JOHN WHITCOMB as he shares the cutting edge research on plasmologens. Plasmologens protect the body from the excess oxidative stress we all incur today.

Through her own journey of healing the unhealable and nutritional training, LAUREN GEERSTEN realized that our bodies have an innate intelligence that leads us towards wellness and joy.

Her book is The Invisible Corset.

ROSEMARIE ANDERSON’s latest book, The Divine Feminine Tao Te Ching, rebirths the original feminine nature of this ancient text. Her translation sheds light on the esoteric wisdom contained within the Tao Te Ching and on the mystical feminine essence of the Tao.

Reclaiming the imagination, MARTIN SHAW untangles our collective selves from the menace of unconscious living. As mythologist and wilderness rites leader extraordinaire, Martin invites us to  leave the smoke hole open…….

Smoke Hole is his latest book.



GERO LESON  – Fair trade organic food chain –

WALTER JEHNE – Soil carbon and hydrology –

MARK LEWIS – Building a regenerative future for food and ag –

Tributaries Radio

Streaming weekly interviews with pioneering individuals, sharing healthful common sense possibilities for our person, our communities and our world.
With host Robin Claire.
