You are currently browsing the monthly archive for February 2015.

Board certified cardiologist, DR. JACK WOLFSON, had a change of heart. He left a thriving cardiologist group to pursue an integrative practice. Jack shares how a focus on the individual and nutrition can help many steer clear of heart health problems.



GET MOTIVATED!! KAREN KINGSTON will inspire clutter clearing from top to bottom and from inside to out. Her book is Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui.

From birth, LORNA BYRNE has been communicating with angels. They have been her best friends, teachers and mentors. Only recently was she instructed to share her communications with the world. Her own husband was not even privvy to her close connection to these beings who led her through life. In her book, ANGELS IN MY HAIR, Lorna tells her story and communicates that these beings are here to help everyone move through their life with a greater ease, teaching there is a soul and that no individual is ever alone.

“No, I don’t often hang out with the Dalai Lama or Nobel Prize winners. Mostly, to paraphrase His Holiness, “I am just a simple liver pathologist” and a member of the Departments of Pathology and of Medicine (Division of Digestive Diseases), of Beth Israel Medical Center of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. But sometimes things lead to unexpected places.” This quote is from DR. NEIL THEISE. With a Zen Buddhist practice this simple liver pathologist is  using level of scale to broaden the course of science.

Tributaries Radio

Streaming weekly interviews with pioneering individuals, sharing healthful common sense possibilities for our person, our communities and our world.
With host Robin Claire.
